About Me

Residence: Niagara Falls, ON

Education: ICS – 2yr. Art Course
ICS – 1 yr. Desk Top Publishing
Lawrence College – Graphic Design
Institute of Children’s Literature – 3yrs.





About the same time that I started teaching Art, I also
started creating Sunday School Literature which
improved after I took studies in graphic design. I
created a series of books for children (grades Kinder-
garten – grade 11 so far), and a set of Bible Study books
for adults (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel
so far), and two teen books, one on the Tabernacle and
one on the New Birth. Since this time I achieved a
level four certificate for teaching Sunday School.
Besides teaching from these books myself, I have
sold sets to a couple of Pastors.
Each one of the children’s books has five sections:
A Character Test, a Bible Study section, A Story that
combines the motto and the animal or insect on the
front of the book, a Devotional section which gives the
children a chance to gain experience at home, and a
song that also combines the animal or insect and the
The adult Bible Study books start with Genesis, with
each book going through chapter by chapter and showing
the types and shadows and how they cross over into the
New Testament so that by the time the student has gone
through the Old Testament Books, they will have covered
the New Testament also.
My aim is not just to sell these books, but to offer free
Bible Studies to interested people in my local area. I will be
publishing, on my website, Bible Studies frequently, but there
is nothing like a personal, one-on-one study of the Bible.
I have been studying and reading the Bible since the day
that my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, came into my life
February 4th, 1978.
Yours, in Christ Jesus,
Linda Grothe